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Life > Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol Impact

Topping the list of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases are high blood pressure and cholesterol. These diseases - such as heart attacks and strokes - kill an American on average every 33 seconds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Due to these staggering figures, your insurance company will be very interested to know about your cholesterol and blood pressure before offering you a policy. They will also look at your age, weight, smoking, and other risk factors for heart disease. Two or more of these factors showing up on your application can be expensive, but just high cholesterol or high blood pressure might not prevent you from getting preferred rates.

If your doctor prescribes medication to control your blood pressure or cholesterol and you don't follow doctor's orders, your insurer will most likely charge you more for coverage. But if you can bring your blood pressure or cholesterol under control through medication, your life insurance premiums should stay normal.

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